Important Dates


ECCE 2011 CONFERENCE PROGRAM -Tentative Agenda


About Phoenix for ECCE 2011


Recognition of Professional Achievement
For nearly a century, the IEEE Awards program has paid tribute to technical professionals whose exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions have made a lasting impact on technology, society and the engineering profession.
That tradition of public recognition continues today.  In the 21st century, IEEE Awards are valued as among the highest honors a technical professional can receive.  They are an esteemed symbol of the admiration of one’s peers–the most prized form of prestige–bestowed upon individuals whose accomplishments have enhanced the global economy while improving the quality of daily life.

Legacy of Innovation
IEEE Awards recognize and encourage important contributions to technology, science and the profession. They honor achievements in education, industry, research and service, and they encompass the breadth of the many IEEE technical interest areas from computer science, electrical engineering, information technologies and microelectronics, to optoelectronics, radar technologies, signal processing and beyond.  Each award has its own unique mission and criteria, and offers the opportunity to honor distinguished colleagues, inspiring teachers and corporate leaders.

Through the Awards program, the IEEE, and the societies that preceded it, also have played an important role in encouraging innovation. Individuals honored with IEEE Awards join a remarkable group of such well-known pioneers as Bell, Edison, Marconi, Noyce and Grove–among many others.  These individuals, in turn, provide inspiration and personal role models for aspiring professionals.

IEEE Awards Selection Process
Nominations for IEEE awards and recognitions are initiated by the members and others, then reviewed by a panel of peers–professionals who are especially knowledgeable in a particular field.  Their recommendations are, in turn, submitted to the IEEE Awards Board for further review prior to final approval by the IEEE Board of Directors.  The awards fall into seven categories:
Honorary Memberships
Service Awards
Corporate Recognitions
Technical Field Awards
Prize Paper Awards
Scholarship Awards

ECCE Awards Lunch
Several awards will be presented during the ECCE 2011 Awards Lunch that takes place on Thursday, September 22.  These are

  • IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award
  • IEEE Nikola Tesla Award
  • IEEE Fellows
  • IEEE Power Electronics Distinguished Service Award
  • Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award
  • Gerald Kliman Innovator Award
  • Power Electronics Society Transactions Prize Paper Award
  • Power Electronics Society Prize Letter Award
  • Power Electronics Society Best Chapter Award